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Machine Connect



Simple installation

  • Connect Machine Connect to +/- (8-32V)
  • Register account here
  • Enter up to 5 security zones
  • Enter alarm recipient
  • Clear!

Nu kan du sitta hemma och styra båten med hjälp av din mobil! 


This is how Machine Connect works

Turn on the fridge and heater on the way out to the boat. Or turn off the fuel pump in your vehicle remotely for added anti-theft protection. Now you can also receive customized messages about e.g. your level monitor or bilge pump switches on. All with the new Machine Connect.

Machine Connect is part of NorthTracker’s theft protection and is a track transmitter. Alerts are sent via SMS, push notification and email if your tracking device moves outside your security zones. But the new Machine Connect can do so much more than that.

Machine Connect can also be used to remotely shut down the fuel pump or power supply.

You can also connect it to a magnetic contact on the rear doors for e.g. your van so that an alarm is sent when the door would be opened.


That’s how it works technically

To be able to use these functions with Machine Connect, you need to connect a relay between the power supply and the device you want to control, e.g. between the 12V battery and the heater. Then connect the relay to Machine Connect’s digital output and a 12V battery. Machine Connect has 2 digital outputs.

If you want an alarm when something is activated, connect Machine Connect’s digital input to the device from which you want an alarm if it is activated. You can also name the alarms in the system, so you know whether it is the door or the bilge pump that has been activated or deactivated. Machine Connect has 2 digital inputs.

After creating an account, you can specify up to five security zones for your NorthTracker Machine. If the GPS moves outside one of your selected security zones, you will receive an alarm immediately via SMS or email. Machine provides theft protection that works throughout Europe. It continues to transmit position so that your property can be easily tracked, leading to an increased chance of getting it back. Machine also logs history so you can see how it moved or to sum up how long it was stationary in different places, for example customer invoicing.

Machine can also be used for security purposes. Should something happen to you, whoever has access to the login can always see where you are and thus quickly come to the rescue. Machine is made for tough environments and is shock-resistant and waterproof. It is approved by SSF Stöldskyddsföreningen and can be connected to the AVARN alarm center for calls with guards.

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